Thursday, May 14, 2009

Head Chief of the Kwahadis

Dustin is the Head Chief of the Kwahadis.

John Madden

Shawl Dancer

This was taken in Amarillo at a presentation for a dedication to for a Steam Engine.


Welcome to our Kwahadi Indian Dancers European Tour 2009 Photo Blog.

Here you'll find photos and information concerning our upcoming summer tour.

We'll put on seventeen performances in our 23 day tour. There will be sixty-three people going on the tour which includes dancers, drummers, singers, and show assistants. We will travel by plane, bus, train and ferry. It will truly be a experience and opportunity of a life time.

Hop on the blog, travel with us, see what we see through "My Eyes" and enjoy sharing the adventure with us.

John Madden


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